Pelosi: Trump Used Taxpayer Money To Shake Down Leader For His Own Gain ...

I am not disputing on the matter of anything Speaker Pelosi has said especially on the matter of the morality of manner of conduct on the matter of national security and other questionable issues that has come up, what I am saying is, every move has consequences, and on the matter of putting democracy before party, well we are after all talking about elections and such a move will have major impacts on the elections which some wants to win, and this move will probably ensure President Trump getting reelected, if you dont have a problem with it then put party and the future of the presidency before country, I am saying there come times when you need to lose something to gain something greater and this is one of those times, its very simple in my view, but if some really believe and if this argument of theirs is truly as they say that they rather put democracy the rule of law and the rest of is before country then I inturn truly admire your decision and commend you for it, but also recognize what you have to lose, look I personally come from a line of family that also has risked it all for the sake of the good and payed the price for it, I of all am very much aware of what it can mean, and I am not lesser than those before me, this is how we operate, we risk it all not for ourselves but for the greater good and may whatever God wills happen, either way we are always grateful that He has granted us another day here doing what we do, but also we are reasonable logical and trying to be sensible pratible flexible and pragmatic, in other words being political feasible, for the sake of the country, to keep things in tact for it not to fall apart, this is extraordinary times things are moving in rapid pace and we have to keep up with it and on the right side to not fall aside ourselves, so my suggestion is to ride the wave of change because God willing the storm will pass then its time to rebuild, thats what we are best at, and meanwhile lets make sure not more than absolute what is necessary gets blown away, in any case lets hope cooler heads remains for us to do our thing later on, on all sides, and Amen to that, I cant say no more,
