Rand Paul: Bolton was working against Trump

Sen Paul is correct, the Talibans are not one strictly controlled organisation, its not like a regular structured army and its not a terrorist organization as such either, just as Sen Paul said, they are fighting against foreign forces, rightly or wrongly but this is the fact, this is what they are, and I dont disagree with sitting down and talking with them, sooner rather than later constructive talks has to be held it is just matter of time when and where, and the close proximity to 911, it is only an issue if you make it one, people need to be reminded that people on both sides are dying everyday and every hour, that lets say American or Nato or Afghan person that dye the day before the anniversary of 911, what do you have to say to their love ones if you delay peace talks if you could if you wanted prevented that loss to them, you couldnt so please dont make an issue of unnecessary things, I hear people on both sides being against peace talks, how can you call yourselves sane and compassionate towards living beings when you oppose peace talks just because you dont like in this case President Trump or the Talibs or just for political reasons, I would suggest to President Trump to pick up that phone and let the Talibs know, they have another opportunity, just because its the right thing to do, makes one a bigger man not lesser of a man, anybody would say that, I would.
