���� Saudi Arabia - Minister for Foreign Affairs Addresses General Debate,...

Just do everyone a big favor and shut the hell up, you should be sued for every penny you have for 911 and also the destruction of ME and also sued to pay compensation for the refugee crises your own unclean regime has caused to the Europe and the rest of the world, you of all better shut your mouth you dirty rat, the molla regime is unclean as you are, both of you and your extremists cults are striving to preserve your own asses and nothing else, you are both a bunch of criminals with blood on your hands, I strongly urge the World Citizens NOT to take the side of one over the other rat, it will be unwise, there are no good guys in this fight between two criminal regimes, there is non it is just this simple, both of them are anti God and if they werent they wouldnt on the highest level be involved in countless crimes against Gods human beings and their basic God given rights, of course the elected officials need to take sides of either side, because they have their own interests mainly financial but to claim one over the other is the good guy you are gravely mistaken, we are the World Citizens and we will always stand on the side of what is true, we will always stand on the side of our own 99,99% which are the rest of the population that wants nothing but stability and end of corruption, something these rats are the instigators of, everything that is bad and rotten, you heard what Fatahs leader the so called leader of the Palestinians said yesterday, Mahmoud Abbas, he clearly and openly said he is firmly behind the Saudi Unclean Regime and their crimes against the Yemeni people, an oppressed peoples leader in this case the Palestinians are against the same crimes that is perpetrated unjustly against another people, how despicable how evil indeed, if it was up to me I would cut all the aid to this evil Abbas and his so called administration to the last penny as long as he and his people are running what is left of Palestine, I wouldnt give them a penny nothing at all, if they choose this person to represent them then we have nothing to talk about, and thats final.
