Saudi attacks: Nato head warns of risks of further escalation, Trump ton...

Surly there are those who would like to see this escalade to a more broaden conflict and at this hour I am personally overjoyed that we have someone like President Trump a collected genius with a cool head behind the desk making the right decision, look I personally dont believe it was the mollas, and I trust by now you know I have less than ero love for the mollas, if I had a magic wand to wave and make all the mollas literally get crushed under a 18 wheel truck  trust me I would, nobody dislikes them more than I do, nobody, but we have to stay truthful and fair, so help us God, I dont believe the mollas were directly behind this, sure at one time they gave the knowhow to the Yemeni Houthis to build drones with explosives on, I mean this is NOT rocket science guys, to program a rc plane with cameras and GPS to look for a certain target and fly into it, anybody can do it, the jihadis have been doing it for years so lets get real here, but sure at one time the mollas gave the tech to the Yemenis and now they are hitting back at the aggressors that has decimated their poor country and also sure the mollas are glad this would happen and other oil producing countries as well I am prosume, not the Saudis of course but I am even pretty sure the US is not too overzealous over what has happened, I mean its good for business or am I wrong, in any case, the best way to end this is to let the monkey who is Princess Salma understand, this is all his fault, his policies brought about all these losses and costs, because he I mean she is an idiot, and his father should put him in jail for as long as he lives before he brings Arabia down completely, I mean you must be blind not to see where this is going with what his policies has caused, billions in losses, countless of lives lost on all sides, he has brought shame to his family name, they are not respected anywhere, and if it wasnt for the oil money they throw around and that money will end at one time then what, with no respect no money hated all over the world, I predict it will end badly for them, but his father if he has not gone total senile he could save the future of what could be left of them, they still have a pretty good chance but this little ugly princess, the guy looks like he is evil reincarnated or something in those lines, anyways enough about her, Princess Salma Da Ugly, damn that individual is ugly, again anyway, President Trump is doing the right thing here and he shouldnt listen to the war hawks and do his own thing, the New York thing, nobody knows what that is ??? well I will let you all know in due time, only a few selected persons know what the New York thing is, I will get you a clue, its what heros are made of alright, bye :) 
