Saudi crown prince: Oil attack "hit the heart of the global energy indus...

She is so ugly even her mother abandoned her and as evil as she is, she locked her up in a dungeon never to be seen again by the public, true story, both that she is ugly as beaten up sweaty sandals and the fact that she locked her mother up, I mean just look at that arrogant nonchalant haily face ho her, I bet in fact I am certain that she has to pay ladies for holding her company, and talk about stupidity, I cant believe this ugly donkey brought up this word of people being stupid, being stupid is written all over her face to begin with, not to forget to mention he is about to be the fall of their own so called kingdom, dummy, and for everyones information, the drone attacks came from INSIDE his own country, by his own people, thats right, something she doesnt want to admit because it would just be too embarrassing to acknowledge that she live in a glasshouse where everyone hates her and fears her so they want her gone, his own family members will be the fall of him and it wont be pretty, if you thought the fall of Saddam was embarrassing it would be nothing compared to what this ugly lizard is about to face, and he doesnt have any support by any of the world powers, only Mahmoud Abbas and those he write checks to praises his ass, for being so generous lol, meaningless individual.
