Sen. Bernie Sanders: The Impeachment Inquiry Needs To Move Quickly

Hi Mr President Bernie and Vice Mr President Colbert :)

I have to respectfully disagree with Sen Bernie and some others on the impeachment of President Trump, to believe that President Trump as some have suggested will pack up and leave the office like Nixon did is an illusion, so lets have that out of the way, and if some think the senate will convict President Trump is also a wishful thinking, then my question is, why even waste time on this, and you know like the star in the Fifth Element, the more you try to nuke that star it will only absorb it and grow larger, I think this is what is going on so I wont support any of these efforts, and it will also have very disabling effects that I also does not support, perhaps you fine ladies and gents know something I dont but from what I know this is a bad idea, one of the worst actually, I understand some people on the Dem side wants to retaliate back on some of the things President Trump has said and done but this is not the right way so I will withdraw from this madness that will not end well, perhaps I will save my strength to come back in the right moment before the breaking point and save the day and become the hero of the movie, like in all other movies ;) but I am telling you, nothing is certain how this will end, it is not a movie after all and everything going on is real and serious, the scrips is written but neither you or I have seen it, but God has and as I have told you from a vision I received as an early teenager, where it showed me, things in America will not end well and it will eat itself from within and that I would find myself in the middle of it,and now we are in the middle of it and no one seems to listen, everybody is after vengeance and paybacks, if it is unjust then well its better to forgive and move on otherwise it will bring the house down, and I hope this is not what any of you seek, other do even people from within and thats the saddest part of the story, people seems to be restless, I say it again, let this one go, ride it out as some has suggested too, its the best way forward.
