Sen. Kamala Harris on Hitchhiking to Graduation, Women's Health, Climate...

Hi Jimmy ! :):)

This comment is NOT just directed at our lovely Sen Harris but to many other friends that are serving the people in the sphere of politics, the argument that it is the body of a women to decide what to with it sounds all fair and it is a good punchline to shut all critics up once and for all, but they should also finish the sentence because they rarely do, the question someone like myself always ask is, what about the other lifeform in this case a human being inside her, sure a woman can decide what to do with her own body but she has no right to end the lifeform inside her again in this case another human being, or perhaps some friends does not consider a living human being inside her a human being that she thinks she can end the life of, personally I do not subscribe to the notion that life begins at conception, there is no evidence in any Abrahamic scriptures that support that idea, people who claim this are politicising this issue and it is a sin in itself, and not a little sin for that matter because this issue could have been solved in a more truthful manner and done a great deal of good if some of my conservative friends where actually following scripture instead of getting caught up in this quagmire, we are only considered a human being when the soul enters our body and that is after 90 days, three moons after the embryo has been fertilized, just as you dont consider a tree a tree when it is still a seed outside the soil before it has been nourished to grow, a greater initiative has be taken for the seed to first be planted then nourished to see it bloom and become a flower, and only after it ha bloomed we put great value to it and would hesitate to cut it down, and in my mind you really must be a mad person to argue that a fetus can be allowed to be cut down and end its life and not just at after three months into the pregnancy when it still doesnt look like a human being much but what about at the later stages of the pregnancy lets say in the 8 or 9 months ???? a cute little thing like that, how can you advocate for that HUMAN BEING  to be terminated is just beyond me and many like myself, again to be fair to all, the woman knows if she is pregnant or not even before 90 days, she can make up her mind then instead of being lazy or whatever the circumstances could be and abort the pregnancy then, people like myself who do believe in the day where we all will be judged by the Creator cannot in good and clear continuous cast our vote for a politician who cannot see eye to eye on THIS particular issue, look friends, all other issues out there does not deal with the direct lives of human beings like this issue and you my super liberal friends you need to understand, we could see eye to eye on any other issue out there and we do , sure we do but on this particular issue where lives of human beings are on the line, we cannot compromise further than up to this line, look I personally cannot risk standing in shame infor my Maker on that day and say my decision has caused the lives of the termination of innocent helpless lives and not any lives but human beings, so no matter how much I like and love some of my very too liberal friends running for office, I cannot endorse them, I believe they are not compromising at all and cannot recognize the other just as important value of that life form inside a woman who cannot vote like the the life form outside him or her and therefor is considered of lesser value, this is not how I see it, they are of the same value, and I also must direct harsh criticism of those who advocate that life begins at conception while they in many cases have see not much value of those who already are up and walking and in suffering and dont let me start on that because there are much to be said about this one too, this comment was to address this issue alone, so my endorsement will go the fairest of them all, and I will let you know who that is, perhaps it is not one of the front runners, but the long distance runner instead.
