���� State of Palestine - President Addresses General Debate, 74th Session

You are as corrupt as those before you, and now for the world to see, you are and always stood or hide behind those who has financially fattened your pockets and your equally rotten supporters, you have always supported the Saudi murderous regime who has decimated your fellow Arab Yemeni, the fact that you cannot find in your corrupt heart of stone to have empathy for the Yemenis while you cry wolf for your own people tell us the world community that you are as evil as your masters, your words are poison your cirres are dry and your being stinks rotten flesh, go to Hell, you have taken the Palestinian people for a ride all these times you have fatten your own pockets, and if you really mean business, why dont you donate EVERYTHING you have to your people, if you are a true leader of your people, but we know you better and as long as any Palestinian people stand behind you and your corruption, none of you will get anywhere, certainly not the people, because you have already stolen the wealth and the donations that was supposed to go to your people, like your Arafat, buying up expensive houses in Europe, you corrupt dog, go to Hell.
