Tipping Point For Impeachment?, Part 2 | The View

To be purely bipartisan on this issue but to express my God honest opinion for the good of the greater all, for the good of the country, for the good of stability, do NOT unleash the Kraken as Maghan said, she is absolutely right, it WILL backfire, it will NOT end up in the benefit of the Dem party, look it reminds me of a scene in one of my favorite movie directed by Ron Howard, just needed to mention his name because I love him, in any rate, what is going on reminds me of a scene in the movie Willow where he and the rest of the blood thirsty villagers are gathered in the barn to found out why the beasts came to their village and what they were looking for, the village elder asked who is behind this and the villagers shouted to throw the guilty into the pitt and have him killed, look it is easy to say lets hang the guilty without thinking about the consequences thereafter, this will end up like another Muller report I suspect, dont be too hasty to throw people into the pitt, impeachment is not putting someone on trial, I understand that , but at least 50% of the population wont see it that way anyway and if it doesnt lead anywhere, well lets me just repeat what Meghan said, dont unleash the Kraken, and if you knew anything about the War of the Titans, only Perseus, the Father of the Persians, well thats another story for another time cant go into it right now, just dont unleash it, alright, listen to Perseus he knows what he is talking about. remember I and Meghan said that somethings are better kept where they are as they are as it is.
