Trump Fires National Security Adviser John Bolton - The Day That Was | M...

A word of advice for my liberal friends, and friend I say in the full  sense of the word, listen guys, I understand you dont like President Trump, and many times you have the right to dislike him over some of his domestic policies, yes he is a divisive figure at times but not everything he does is terrible, and now firing Bolton is one of those things the whole country and in fact the whole world agrees and applaud him for, and for you to jump on his every single policy initiatives you are only shooting ourselves in the foot, you are damaging the party and making people flee to the center or even to the right, I would suggest if there is a policy initiative 99% of the population agrees with him and you for political reasons has to disagree with him and criticize him for, i such cases either do not bring up the news which you cannot do because you are a major news outlet instead do go too hard on him or bring the issue up but talk less about it instead of trying to make even an initiative in which 99% of the people actually agrees with him, my question is, why are you at times even going against 99% the vast vast majority, I shouldnt even have to say this, firing the Mustache came in my view even a bit too late but now its done and we all should be joyful about it, look on one hand you disagree with him pulling out of the molla deal and on the other hand you criticize him for firing the worst war monger perhaps in US history, the man who pushed him to pull it out lol pull it out, you get it lol, seriously, isnt this a catastrophic massive contradiction?? look I love MSNBC Mika Joe and many others but criticism has its place, so please for the sake of the party lets see a more balanced criticism, lets be fair, or as fair as we are allowed, I think we can do that, thank you :)
