Trump speaks at 74th Session of the UN General Assembly

It was an excellent speech, I followed every word of the speech and god it was presidential by President Super Trump, and about socialism he mentioned, I am no socialist no capitalist I am about doing the right thing improving the lives of people, providing universal health care in my view is what is needed to progress to the next level, and I also want the super wealthy to pay their share of taxes, and I am also for free trade and in the latest stage of our human development which looks so distant right now also for free movement of people, but that could not happen when the living standards differ as it does today, so its not near the time to bring that up for now, right now healing people so they can get productive should be our primary goal, after having done that other problematic issues will much easier resolve itself, when people can think more clearly, so I dont think we should promise much for now to win over people on our side, one thing at the time, healing people is where we should begin, so help us God, if President Trump gets behind this idea then he will become a true historic Mr President, healing people who can be against that, its a homerun policy, it cant go wrong and its absolute good for the country and its economy, the rich will also benefit from the positive more prosperous atmosphere being created, it just cant go wrong.
