Trump: US 'locked and loaded depending on verification' of attack on Sau...

This is why I have great regards for Admiral John Kirby, the man is honorable and honest in his analysis, again it is hard to say the mollas were directly behind this, personally I dont think they were, and if it is definitely proved they were then I say lets play the game of Sink Ship with them, but only if it actually proven and if not then I guess the Saudis need to buy a couple of more search radars for their Patriots, but also, I dont have any love for the Princess Salma, he is nothing but trouble himself, and lets not forget he HAS directed jihadis to attack and kill Iranian civilian citizens inside Iran that bastard, even at one instance he expressed joy when his jihaids bombed civilians in Iran killing dozens, so he of all better shut the hell up, this was most likely the work and retaliation by the Yemeni Houthis, and lets leave it like that, if the Saudis want to further secure their assets then they should buy more radars for their SAMs, and lets not also forget, the Saudis are the most rogue jihadi sponsored terrorist regime in the world that has caused the stability of the world to may God forbid the brink of world wars,

 time after all, the real question is, for how long will the world community sit by and watch this evil regime destabilize the world, we cant get anything constructive done for the planet in terms of climate change in terms of ending mass migrations in terms of instead of spending all this wealth on doing good we now have to clean up after them, this is what we should ask ourselves before anything really, they are not only distracting us to concentrate of what we need to do for the wellbeing of the planet they are also wasting our wealth on unnecessary things, all because of Princess Salma Bin Ugly, the black swan in the family.
