Uighur Muslim prisoners shackled, blindfolded in Xinjiang, China

How can any respectable person not in harshest words not criticize the Chinese satanic Communist Party, and those filthy not two faced but disgraced faces the mollas and other religious leaders and none religious leaders and groups just sit there and not mentioning a word about that the hell is going on here, even President Trump is about to raise up this issue, look if YOUR religious leader or the religious leader you look up to has not or in the near future not raising up this issue you better dump that damned person because they are NOTHING but a bunch of hypocrites. just dump them, do not go to their gatherings in fact you should instead work against them damn hypocrites, we dont need such self serving no good free breathers, hell with the mollas and the rest of them, hell with them all, and hell with president Phuh, you or your satanic cult will never be respected around the world, you are a disgrace and may God inflict you with the worst He can think of, Amen.
