Ukraine Focus Of Whistleblower Complaint, Part 2 | The View

I dont know about this whistleblower but there is a very important correction that has to be made, Julian Assange has way more supporters from people on the right than the left as our lovely Meghan suggest, I would argue Julian doesnt have many supporters on the left at all because of the leaks, he actually supported President Trump if you all remember, if you listen to the right winged radio you would immediately recognize almost all of them are on his side, so Meghan is absolutely wrong, her whole argument is actually flawed and not based on facts, has to be said, on the mainstream, 110% on both side are violently against him, I will argue he was wrongly treated and could be a great asset to the west, in time I will bring him back on our side and until then, do not harass him treat him good or at least according to the law and things will work out, I dont understand why some heard heads create and make unnecessary enemies especially in these times when things hang on a very little and when our reputation as free nations hangs in the balance, we are handing over our best to our adversaries, it has to stop and will and again till then, keep your cool everybody ! its an order !!!
