“We Are Striking to Disrupt the System”: An Hour with 16-Year-Old Climat...

What a beautiful young little climate princess she has become, she should have a part in a movie, I would very much like to see her on the big screen soon, that could be cool, as a reward for having major impact on such a great cause, about sailing over the Atlantic you just need a great modern boat with all the necessary equipment on then I think one can make it over in one go, for my part I have done some more research and this is what I have come to learn, in my case I have to stay in Portugal till early Desember to use the trade winds to the Caribbean, but then I face another major problem, at that time there will be no more trade winds up to NY and even worse, its winter time up there, bummer, its actually a huge problem, from what I have learned is, the earliest I can get up to NY is in late spring or mid spring, we are talking five six months here friends :( I set sail a little bit too late I think, but I had no other options to leave, so this is how it looks like for the moment, if I had a boat with a  professional crew that would be another subject matter, I will get there one way or another but I really wanted to be there before the end of the year, things doesnt look so bright now, but greta getting over in two weeks, ohh she is so fortunate, and heading 30 knots, wow thats something else, at one time I did in this crappy boat 14,6 knots and it felt like a racer for a moment, its a unforgettable moment doing 14 knots, but yet again i was surfing on huge waves like crazy, I am getting one of those racers in time and I will do 50 knots with it, enough about sailing, keep up the good job Greta  :):)
