Will the attacks on Saudi oil facilities cripple global supplies? | Insi...

If it was 2015 and earlier I would have been most exited if Saudi Arabias oil fields were damaged, today its a different matter, people mature the more they know because back then I wouldnt mind war broke out, because I was under the impression that the Saudi Arabia under this leadership were the seed of Satan and the mollas were some kind of angles, today I would say both are of the seed of Satan equally, therefor because of my current conviction of how things are I wouldnt want to see these two devils go to war and innocent people on both sides and in fact the rest of the world economy comes under pressure to carry their mistakes on their shoulders, if the situation would allow for both to kill each other while no one gets in between and have to pay for their adventures well thats another matter but with a world interconnected that possibility is a distance dream, at least for me, no one would benefit if these two lunatics go to war and not least their own innocent populations, so I very strongly urge the major powers to try to calm things down and not let things get out of hands, from what I understand this was the work of the Yemenis, I dont think it was the mollas who launched the drones, the Yemenis have the capability do launch drones on their own, anybody does nowadays, the best way to stop this is for Saudi Arabia to stop desemating Yemen, I mean how hard is it to come to their senses save their money spend it on their own citizens and stop discriminately stop bombing the poor Yemenis, and in turn they will also stop defending themselves, there is a very easy way to stop this madness going on right now, because I went to the gas station and the gas had gone up and I need diesel man !!!! and I dont want to pay more than I have to, people are pissied of here, in the end of the day we have to pay for what these idiots has caused, löook man I have a lot of expenses over here and I dont want to pay more than I have to, so before the price of gas goes higher I urge President Trump to tell people to shut the hell up and go back to their caves, before we nuke them all and have it done with, before we go in and take all their damn oil and shut them up like that, am I right or what ??? President Trump must show them who the Big Boss is over here, thats what I would have done.
