Blame socialism for China’s wealth boom – Wolff

How you phrased the question is very misleading I must say, why China have more wealthy people than US, first of all you dont mention that the wealth some connected to the Communist Entity of China is built on the backbone of those who has slaved for 7 days 15 hours a day in their factories to make that wealth, why dont you go and ask how they feel about some of their countrymen now benefited from their hard labor, and yes we know the Wall around China is a great one, but whose body parts are that one built upon and how many millions slaved and died for that to be built, it seems to me that you only concentrate on the well being of a very small number of people while you deliberately cast aside the suffering of the 99%, if that is your socialism then its worth not the paper its written on let alone the blood of a billion poor Chinese that are suffering from back pain as we speak with no medical attention of any attention from their slave masters to speak of and if they dared speak up they would end up in a register that would make their lives even harder, in my view nothing good has ever come out of any isms, especially communism.
