Can Hariri's resignation defuse crisis in Lebanon? | Inside Story

What the protesters in Lebanon should do is, first of all to conduct themselves in the most peaceful manner, you must be inviting enough not to denounce people away from you but to attract as many as you can to you, meaning if you manage to push one single person away from you, you have failed your mission, I am actually talking about one of you attracting fifty others to you, and if you are of those who has not attracted at lease one to you but managed to push one away from you, you have failed your mission, each and every single one of you must be our top diplomats, this is your mission, to be our top diplomats, it means you have much to learn and its ok, learning is something we all do and need to do more every single day, to be better, to improve, to be better and to do more, go to talk to those ho ar not like you, I can give you the best advice right here and now, go tonight and watch a movie about our common prophets, from movies about Prophet Abraham to movies about Moses to films about the Christ and about Prophet Mohammad and get inspire your soul to be more like those guys and the day after go and be a little bit more like they, in these movies and documentaries you will get reminded how they dealt with situations like the ones you are facing today, you have the answers to your questions how to go about lies in them and their stories, they faces the same difficulties you are facing and after watching those films you will have a better idea how to attract people to your cause, because I can concur, your cause is a just one, because you are resisting the corrupt elites, the same corrupt elites the prophets were dealing with in their times, now its your time to continue the same struggle and whatever you do , just dont give up half the way, if you do that you have emboldened and strengthened the same exact criminals you are up against, so you should no matter the cost not give ut, if you have the intent to give up half the way you shouldnt started from the beginning,because as I said then you wave given them the talking points to crack down on you even stronger the next time, you have already won one battle but the war continues, Good luck, Worldwide Revolution !!! and nothing else will do.
