Catholic Church weighs allowing some priests to marry

I do approve the priests to get married, so we can get at least halfway to solving this pedophilia infestation going on right now thanks to these false dogmas, and who said the Christ was not married??  he was called rabbi, only married Jews are called rabbis, the Christ was NOT God and he was married to Mary Magdalene, and thats a fact !!! dont start with me now, it is ironic because there are many Christians who do believe they were married but then go on to say the Christ was God the Creator, so God is three individuals then he had a mother and he was married, whats next ?? get real folks, the Creator is one just as the Christ said, the Christ didnt say He is three and the Christ also and most importantly said he was sent to confirm the Holy Torah, my question is, does the New Testament resemble anything like the Holy Torah, of course it does not, the Paul came and went directly against what the Christ has stated, and changed everything, the fact of the matter is, God is God, the Creator He is One, the Christ was and read please translate the Hebrew word right for once, he didnt say he is the son of man, man in Hebrew is translated Adam, the Christ said I am the son of Adam, meaning he is making this clear to you stubborn people that he is a human being, dont confuse him with something else, he knew this would happen so he and thats why he used the name Adam, he was the son of Adam and Adam was not God but a human being, and he didnt have father nor a mother, and if Adam and the Christ married like all Jews were supposed to like all human being are supposed to then these priests have an obligation to do as their role model, if they actually do as he said and did himself, and if you did you wouldnt have all these abnormal activities in the Catholic church today, so I as a friend of the Christ, because we are buddies and everything ;) I can speak on his behalf and make it an obligation of all priests to get bussy, and marry a girl, I now pronounce you man and wife, now go in peace and pick your bananas lol :=)
