China Won’t Comply With a Trade Deal, Sen. Scott Says

We MUST stop playing nice guys with the Chinese Communist Entity, if they want to play it rough then so be it, because if we continue this way we will end up losing further and in a couple of years they have overtaken us completely and this we cannot allow, the Chinese Communist Entity have already shown its a bad unfair totalitarian actor, it doesnt look good, and we also MUST encourage all our companies to make some structural changes and move their factories to friendlier country that are  close to us, India, Africa the whole eastern Asian countries, south America we have lots of options here, and I say we better move quickly on this, I know I will do what I can, and I hope you all share the same concerns and move with me, lets make deal with Africa, lets aggressively set up something there, I am the King of Africa, all of them will follow me and support our shared values, lets move to South America, lets do something, but we better start right now, I m done playing around here, if they want to play it hard, I say lets play hard ball, fine so be it.
