China's state-sanctioned organ harvesting victims speak out

May God curse the Chinese Communist Entity and its shameless cult leader president Puh, and shame on you for giving your support to these monsters and I hope you reverse your course before God curses you too, these communist cult leaders and all their followers are soulless creatures, this is horrible to watch but it has to be shown to people for those with eyes to see and still a beating heart to realize how evil these communists are, shame on the mollas, well truth be told we know these mollas do not have a bit of shame in their rotten bodies to determine what is right and what is wrong because the mollas are doing similar things in the case of the mollas, child kidnapping and pedophilia cults running their everyday lives, some people perhaps have a hard time believing this but it will all be revealed for all to see how evil the mollas are and what they really are made of, and who installed them to rule over the Iranians in these times, many still believe after the mollas took over they got rid of all those behind the scene under the Shah, they are wrong, those who actually ruled under the Shah who was nothing but a puppet of evil himself rule Iran till today, the mollas only executed the Shahs closest personal friends and supporters, this is their official story that have been made documentaries about that you believe is the whole story, the true story is much more complex than that, you surly do not believe Eblis who ruled Iran is out of there now do you ?? think again, the same Evil who controlled Iran is there thriving like before, it only changed the face of the conversation, that face are the mollas today, the same Evil in control of the Communist Entity ruling China, I ask this again, why dont you think the mollas who cannot stop "crying" about what is going on in the Holy Land have never ever mentioned what is going on with at least the same amount of Muslims being even worse treated in China by the hands of the Communist Entity than how the Zionists treat the Palestinians, the reason is first of all hypocrisy, the money and we know God has never favored the hypocrites, He instead has always favored the truth tellers and if you think the mollas are in any shape or form truth tellers then you are braindead, you are a worthless creature, plain and simple.
