Cory Booker React's to "Lock Him Up" Chant to Trump | The View

Hi Joy ! I want you to know I LOVE you very very much, I just do and I dont want you to doubt it, I know you must hate me right now but you shouldnt, I agree with Sen Booker the Keeper of the Light ;) I hope they get married and be happily ever after, he have my blessing ;) he do, now back to the point, I agree with Sen Booker, I dont think we should act in a hateful manner against the other half of ourselves which is this the other half of the population. we are one and if we dont see the likeness of us in our next fellow man and women we have divided us to the point that there will be nothing left of either of us, and I want American to remain the Unite States, to be an example for other to join us reaching the stars high above us, we cannot go backwards now when we have come so far, we are almost at the finishing line, the last mile is what matters, anyone can run the first miles but the last few hundred meters is what define a true champion and we are all champions if we stick together, this is why I am ready to take the heat (for now) and not to go with the flow and try to take down the President, like him or not, if he goes down it wont only benefit those who would love to see America on its knees, and I wont have that, no way, I have seen the other side and I wont have the upper hand when it comes to anything, anything, I know President Trump is taking advantage of the situation right now and I know how much he is pissing so many off but still, he is our damn president, I just hope he could be more considerate and I hope those in the media on his side try to do their best not to divide the country further, but whatever happens, he should not get impeached, look I say it again, I know he is pushing the limits but wth, he is also going a whole lot of good, my final point is, sometimes one has to lose to get a final victory and this is one of those times, it truly is, there are too much at stake right now to gamble.
