Lebanon protests: key moments from a week of unrest

Listen friends, as long as one singular of the old elites in the system the government whether they are secular or religious NOTHING will change, every single one of them has to be removed from any position of power, that included Hezbesheytan and Nasrala, a good idea for now (united) Lebanese people to do is, to march from north to south and back back and forth in mass numbers and gather up other along the way, march like that in millions and Hezbola wont dare standing in your way, it should look something like a pilgrimage where a massive number of people march together you will tent along the way on nights and march on days, on nights among your massive groups you can gather in groups and discuss among yourselves how you want your new country to look like and share ideas like that and you will find unity this way to beside your sectarian affiliations, you will find your humanity in other friends next to you in your group around the campfire and all your lives will change and you will inspire each other to root out corruption God willing for good, look you need to set up a handful of demands you must not back down till you have achieved them all, and whatever you do do not give up and seek out solidarity among others like in Iraq Hong Kong and many other places around the world, you are now all one single living entity, so reach out to each other on social media and I wish you all the best :)
