Meghan Markle’s close friend reacts to emotional documentary: “She can c...

I speak from experience, being royal and everything ;) and from life experience and my take on what is going on with respect to these two young couples royal or not just two young couples that are famous and always under the light and scrutiny from a portion of people, and I have tome to this conclusion that this protein of their critics first and foremost are in fact racists, then not on top of that but the branch that their racism comes from is supported on jealousy, jealous people are always racist, one can still be wealthy and have more then they can ask for but they still can harbour jealousy in their hearts, so it doesnt have to do with have or have not, some just cannot get enough, and that leads them to dark places and racism is one of these doors they shouldnt have opened and kept it close, it would have been better for them, jealousy also makes you sick, its a sickness and if you are a Believer you would also recognize that it is also one of the original sins, I thank God that I personally have never suffered from the sickness from jealousy, it has tried to sneak up on me but the better of me saw it for what it was and how to what dark places it can take you and look I have made a whole lot of mistakes in my life but this one I can gladly say I never have suffered from, but you should know, it always tries to sneak up on you and if you give in and then again and then again then you might get lost in the dark places, I have seen it happen, and it has never ever not once ended up well for them, we even have hypocrites claiming to be Believers but them too suffer from jealousy envy but they say they are not greedy and by that they think they now are purified, haa, wrong ! not being greedy is only defence mechanism not to lose more than you already have lost if you harbour jealousy in your heart.

Look I didnt mean to make a whole long speech about this, I am hungry and I have a juicy hamburger with my name on it waiting to be prepared and devoured by this royal prince over here very soon :):) and that includes my own frise too and a cold coke and a souse I have not invented yet, I am thinking something with curry and a couple of other spices, have to see how it ends up, with a little of LOVE I am pretty sure it will be fit for a KING, baby :):) 
