Nancy Pelosi celebrates the life of "North Star" Elijah Cummings

I like the oldtimers, they bear so much of the history that has shaped society especially those from America and more specifically those like the honorable Elijah Commings who lived through the segregation and all that was going on back then, it was truly difficult times, heartbreaking times to see and feel on daily basis that you are not liked forget about loved just the fact that people hate you because of your skin color and put you down for no other reason than that, some people today who share some of these values in America should be aware of how much the America they live in has benefited from the black folks, from their free hard work at the fields to today with their musical talents that has made America what it is today, least said, then we have these freedom fighters in their own capacity in the Congress also uplifting the name of America and this is something all Americans should be proud of, all praises to them, it feels a bit pity to me that there are a few of these senor warriors that I want to meet and sit down with one evening or several evenings or at all evenings and learn from, I better hussy up it seems before more of them leaves us so hastily to go and meet their Maker, I hope God forgives all their sins and show them His Supreme Mercy, specially people who has suffered abuse and insults like the now late Sen Elijah Commings resieveed in his younger days, these are people that never should be forgotten, and what a kind lovely faced he had :) may God again have mercy on his soul, Amen.
