Noahide Laws Debate | Dr. Michael Brown vs. Adam Green

I have been listening to these two gents and especially the concerns many nationalist anti Zionist Christians have with regards to what some Zionist Nohides and how they see or want the world to be, I understand these concerns but first I want to say how ignorant these two both of them are specifically Mickael here, I will try to address some of the concerns of my own then jump to some of theirs, I absolutely dont want to offend anyone here, and when my goal is to offend anyone you can immediately recognize it by my childish remarks, this is not one of times, the first thing I want to say is, I have a hard time understanding a Jew wanting to become Christian and I also at the same time have a hard time understanding a Jew not recognizing the Christ as the Messiah, my personal concerns with the religion of Christianity today as we have it with all its 400 different denominations are many, I mean 400 way of reading a text is a concern, wouldnt you say, some believe the Christ is God some not so on and so forth, and I also before I continue never ever compare what my book has to say like saying, my book says this therefore your argument is flawed, I never have never done that, I compare your own text with itself, and I dont have to go too far in my explanations in questioning some fundamental issues many have with let say Christianity, we will touch upon Judaism too and the flawed of the Muslims, look guys the Devil doesnt discriminate alright, that piece of shit has existed for longest time and he is clever, I actually like to insult him, it is one of my past time hobbies sort of speak ;) I like to mess around with him and he likes to mess around with me, so we call it even, regardless, going back to the concerns I have about the religion of Christianity, as I said even though it is not a unanimous term it is very important to recognize before we continue, anyways, we know what the Christ said himself in the Gospels with I have enormous respect for, I dont care for the New Testament much but the four Gospels are something else, it wanst written by that paul guy, I personally believe he was a kind of antichrist in touch with demons, and was told and directed what to do and how to reverse almost everything the Christ stood by, the Christ said one thing then he came and said from now on we have a new covenant, therefor the old one is obsolete, from what I know friends, God NEVER changes His mind on ANYTHING, and the christ said it himself, he said and NOT according to my book or anyone elses book, he said, first of all he was sent to the (Jews) he never sent he was sent to the whole world, but to the Jews, and he was sent to the Jews for one reason, to correct the Jews and return them to the True Torah, and why did he said that, because the Jews had made some slight changes in the Holy Torah, usury is one of the issues, so the Christ 100% believed in the ways and the laws of the Holy Torah, then my question for my christian friends is, is there anyway Christianity resembles the Holy Torah, it is the opposite of it, nobody can deny it, then you can say you have a new covenant, but then I ask you again, didnt the Christ said he was sent to correct the covenant the Jews were supposed to uphold ?? then how come your so called new covenant doenst resemble anything of the old one, you have gone both your seperate paths, is this the intention of God, to seperate you or is someone else behind this conspiracy, because one of you is wrong, or could it even be that both of you are wrong, according the Christ the Jews are wrong, and according to all common sense and the both the Holy Torah and the four Gospels the Christians have gone too astray, Jesus said no not worship me, then I hear Kanye West saying he want to worship Jesus, well anyways, the problem with the Jews is that they have abandoned the Holy Torah almost completely, they only use its name to hide behind but they follow their man written books like the Zohar the talmud that in my view is the direct opposite of what the Holy Torah is teaching the Jews, I am convinced the talmud and the Zohar is the words of the Devil and the devils, it is this serious, the same wiched forces that told paul to go directly against what the Christ stood for has taken over the minds of the Jews following these texts, look according to the Jews of today, the Devil is a good guy, there is no Hell, God is somebody they can play around with, lol and hasnt He punished them since the early days lol they never learn, how many times has the Creator sent prophets and messengers to them and how many times have their either harassed them or murdered them, I have lost the count to be honest, the Jews because they are something they are not, they are NOT special in any way, but because of this supremacy mentality, the same sickness the Devil suffers from, he also thought he was better than others, so as long as they suffer from this they will see the likeness in one and other, the Devil on the other hand, his fate is sealed, he is in big big trouble, but we humans God has been merciful towards us, because as long as we live we can correct a few things and perhaps on the Day of Judgment with I and my Christian friends believe in, but some of them are under the impression that just because they believe whatever that means, but as long as they believe they will get a free pass on that day, well they will get very disappointed I can assure them, none of us will get a free pass, everything will get judged, its a scary thought but it is true, it makes me very sad right now even having to think about it, the journey we all are upon the ending is not even anywhere near its end, it will have an end for good or worse eventually but it is a long way before, yeah, so I hope you have a better clew why I said, I have a hard time understanding a Jew converting to Christianity and a Jew who doesnt believe in the Christ as their Messiah, he was and he is coming back and its lot sooner than they can imagine, what I fear most of all is that, humanity has angered the Creator to the extend that He will unleash His wrath upon this planet and all its inhabitants, I fear the decision has been made, I fear it has began, I think He is about to teach everyone a good lesson of who this world belongs to and judge the whole planet as one unite, like He did in the past and I fear this time nothing much will remain, I fear He will allow the Evil one unleash his hate upon us all, I personally will be alright physically, I am not going anywhere, just ask those who know a thing or two how many times I have been near getting assassinated, poisoned and other conspiracies these evil bastards have tried to pull on me, but I am still here, and I will continue picking them and poking them and never ever stop, and I want to see what they can do about it lol those who know a thing or two about the truth have seen me getting slightly hurt at times, but when it comes to the most serious stuff they must by now be convinced, somebody from up high is keeping my back, keeping me safe from the most extreme dangers that never is far from me, always very close, i can tell them and you friends this, when I have been hurt sightly, God allowed it to happen to me, because I sinned and I had it coming, but the most serious of dangers that would almost certainly get anyone else dead by now, I mean c mon now guys, everyone from powerful states, criminal groups, terrorist organizations you name it they all want me dead, and you still doubt something is not keeping me safe from these monsters, I personally know what is going on, and I also know how it will end, what YOU should fear is what I fear most, I do not fear death, I fear what is about to happen to this planet, you will in time see this Antichrist, he is a homosexual, he is, and he will fuck you all up lol good luck lol you asked for him, now deal with him lol not even the homosexuals will like this faggot, I can assure you of that, but again you asked for him, and you shall have him, he is all yours guys :)
