Retired Air Force Colonel Kim Olson calls decision to leave Syria "immoral"

So according to this retired air force colonel, one should never pull troops out because it creates a vacuum others can fill in, well the following question is, when is it the right time, according to these, NEVER EVER, so we should stay there for eternity, she is the one who doesnt understand foreign policy and how it is conducted, just because she flew airplanes doesnt make her an expert on foreign policy and long term strategies and how you do business around here, I mean there, I also agree with the notion that, let these other pay for it, le them patrol the waste lands there, its nothing there anyway but to be wasteful with resources, the oil is secured and everything is more or less wastelands nothing the Kurds cannot handle themselves, they dont need us to fight what is remained of the Jihadis, there are no jihadis left and the Kurds are well armed and have the manpower enough defend themselves now, they dont need us, the Kurds wants us there to fight the Turks and thats never going to happen, they can cry to kingdom comes, we are not going to fight the Turks our allies for a bunch of commies, are you kidding me, and she is coming on air to preach us about being strategic, she is off her meds this lady.
