Russell Brand & Neil deGrasse Tyson Breakdown The Physical Realm VS The ...

You intelligent gent touched upon a couple of crucial subject matters that deserve to be discussed about closer, but I have my coffee calling on om very loudly and I cant bear my hear letting it just stand there giving me that famous look, so I am going to make this one short because aIa intent to stay married :) about us differ only 2% with  the apes, btw I watched the movie War For The Planet Of The Apes and it cesar was a class act the guy ;) yes we only differ 2% us and the apes and here the story of serconstition comes in to have a profound meaning, we believe in the (Intervention) that a higher power intervene and made us humans of clay, of both atoms and to connect us to this planet and its living beings and the closest are the apes, yet science CANNOT explain fully that and prove that we have evolved from the apes, there are still missing links which science has not explained, and here the thing with circumcision comes in play,  for us to acknowledge that with this act that we acknowledge that even though we have 98% of our DNA incommon with the apes, our souls cis from something else,, we believe in an intervention by a higher power that made us the way we are, that we are NOT completely from the worldly that we are more, the true story lies in this 2%, it doesnt take much more, here is the true secret and it shoulnd be disregarded, this will explain the true origin of mankind, not the animal kind but us, we are NOT from the apes !!
