Sen. Chris Coons: Trump disrespected Pelosi by not informing her of al-B...

On one hand Sen Coon spread misconceptions about how the president handled the situation around this rade by saying he couldnt understand why Mr Trump notified the Russians and not the House leader when he knows very well this rade to be successful and in order not to endanger the lives of the special forces guys Russia and other actors needed to be informed that the US is about to send aircrafts in to do a certain job, what did Sen Coon or what did he expect, for the US not to notify the Russians and for them not mistakenly shoot down those choppers ?? is Sen Coon this incompetent, whats going on  ?? the matter around why President Trump not notifying Leader Pelosi has nothing to do with the operational strategy, if I were President Trump I would have notified Leader Pelosi but those two guys right now are not in the best terms with each other, it is unfortunate and I hope the issue will get resolved inn the near future but I doubt that, at the same time I want to take the opportunity to address Leader Pelosi on something, call it an open letter.

Dear Leader Pelosi !

I know you have found yourself in a difficult position, on one hand you have those inside your party that are looking for payback and they are pressering from all sides, and I am not saying they cause is totally unfounded, but it looks to me their main agenda is of personal matter, people are looking for payback, the matter of upholding the law and the constitution is well founded too, I am not arguing against that, there are reasons for concern but my problem at this juncture is that people are over hyping the issue, but beyond that, I know you are a wise person, and I know impeaching the President is not in the best interest and stability of the country, the country is not stable enough for such thing to be done, things could and I honestly believe things can fall over and horrible instability will be the cause of this and I fear at that time there will be no turning back, I really fear this, this is why I am very much for impeaching the President or even entertaining the idea, because just for this idea to grow it is creating so much unpleasant side effects that this on its own could spill over, and we are seeing it day by day, things are getting worse and worse, things are heating up by the day, and at this time we need somebody brave enough to go against the stream its own people take the heat and put a stop to it, for the greater good that is, look if people continue with this what President Trump is doing is to double down, so it turn into a constant up trajectory and what goes up will come down eventually and the bigger they are the harder the fall will be, I beg of you to be that person and not let this continue further and do whatever you can to calm things down, I dont want us to wake up in the future and say, what the hell have we done, how do we turn back the time, and can we turn back the time is it even possible now, we are not there yet, we still have time, I need you to be one of those brave (NO) persons right now, again it is for the greater good, trust me on this, history and America will be grateful towards you in the future for saving America from ruin, thank you, truly yours, King of the World ;) signing of baby :) damn I am good at this diplomacy business.
