Tensions rattle Lebanon amid anti-graft protests

What he basically is saying is, let us continue with this criminal enterprise we have established or we will make things go sour, and trust me friends, this man is NOT a man of God, these rats use female prostitutes and who knows perhaps male to male prostitutes too, their cronies here in the west many of whom are drug pushers which I know a couple of, they have their filthy hands in all kinds of haram activities things only Eblis would command to do, they are in cahoots with some Christian cults where these cults use their young girls as teenagers to have sexual relations with people many of whom or almost most of them has been sexually molested by their fathers and other family members, listen very carefully to me friends, I know these lizards, their father is Eblis, dont be fooled by their turbans and looks, they are all sons and daughters of devils and Nasrala is one of Eblis spokespersons, and they actually tried to have me murdered when I was in Syria, look how filthy they are, I went there to help them and they plotted to have me killed, you the Lebanese people from all walks of life and religious denominations, pay close attention to me, you MUST remove these rats among you, have faith in your Creator and His past messengers, all of you, these you see today are the opposite of the messengers our Creator sent us, I know many non Lebanese perhaps have a hard time believing when I say things like, all the drugs produced in Lebanon and Lebanon is one of the hubs and centers of drug production, everything from the synthetics to like hashish, and all of it is produced in southern Lebanon, the Lebanese people know this is true, and who is in control of those areas, Hezebesheytan, the Party of the Devil, to be afraid of their threats, you need to do everything to remove these criminals, or God will judge you as a nation, you have already been judged and your punishments were these Jihadi these Hezbe sheytan and those Saudi puppets you harbour in your System, get them all out no matter what, and may God be with you.
