The Mark of the Beast - Full Documentary [HD] | ARTV

The lesson we must take home with us from this video is, people of faith in the Creator, we believe in Good and Evil, not that they are equally powerful in anyway, people of faith understand that everything in existence comes from the Creator, the source of everything, we believe this Creator is all wise all knowing and most of us also believe the Creator is all powerful, now to Evil, we believe Evil is very real. it exist, the Jews believe he is actually a good guy, poor thing is only accusing our race other than that he is not behind any conspiracies to do evil things, but the Jews also believe this entity also exist, the rest of us know better, we believe more than that but lets just say we believe use this mild term instead, because we dont want to offend anyone right ? right, we believe this wicked entity exist and is more active today than anytime before in history, just as Evil will be more active tomorrow than the day before, its just how things progress, when you are like them, in any rate, today with more tools in his hands and his people it is unrealistic to think Evil is not using it against ALL in our human race, because he is the enemy of our race, look guys one can draw the same parallel to the likeness of the ultra nationalists and racists, when a foreigner comes to their native lands what do they do, they lash out against every single one that doesnt look like them, this planet as I have explained before didnt belong to us, these entities lived here before we did, they have a long history here and when we were put here naturally like any other ultra nationalists they are lashing out on all of us, and like some useful idiots these entities have some human useful idiots who has sided with them, they have been promises made but according to God non of these promises will be kept, and the reason is, these entities want us all gone from their planet, its not their planet either, God never gave it to them, God decides who will rule and not, and thats how it is, so this Evil is the ruler of these other entities, he is their go to guy and he has existed longer than any of them, and the hate these evil devils harbour for us is directed from this Pure Evil piece of shit, they gave us technology, just so you know, we developed most of it but they initiated this whole thing and with this powerful tool they have today with mass surveillance mass monitorering will be used for mass control too, it will be used against us, and they are, think about it, why would any sane individual not saying the Chinese Communist entity or the rulers in Sodom (Sweden) the mollas and other evil satanic entities and trust me these people rule the whole planet, its not these nations I mentioned, these sons of bitches rule the whole damn planet, they feel very comfortable with the power they possess right now, but there are countries and societies they have less control over than others, and I am sure you can see that, just thank your Maker for not living in shithole of countries like China Iran Sodom and elsewhere, seemingly they have completely different societies and system of rule but what they all have in common is total government rule and take over, and also, all these nations their populations have been totaly brainwashed to go at the other direction of what God has ordained, the shia Iranians are so lost in the wilderness, the Chinese like the Swedes are absolute atheists, I mean you can see the trail Evil has left after him, Sodom is not only ruled by a pedophile luciferian sex cult but also it is statistically the most atheistic country in the world, so is Denmark, in Denmark if you in your church does not marry a homosexual couple they government will close your thousand year old house of worship down, just like that, they also have other cray luciferian laws, on any beach you can go total nude, meaning it is not one single beach you and your kids can enjoy the beach without monkeys running around totally nude act as if they truly are liberated now, so you see friends, when you let these luciferian who preach tolerance take over they will enforce their beliefs upon you, I say they are absolute extremists and totalitarians, you just wait till they get all the power and see how they then will behave, at that time their prince this Antichrist who is in his 40th and also a homosexual will be presented as their savior, and with the internet of things and the G5 at place they will enforce their will upon you like you never could have imagined it, so my question to you friends is, why are we fighting amongst us as believers over questions of if the Christ is God or not, why are we saying this guy is a Muslim or that guy is a Catholic and look at those cray Protestants and why are we distancing ourselves from the Buddhists and the Hindus and the atheists with brains to see what is going on and where they are evil bastards are taking us, why are we not joining forces to combat this threat that is about to totally take over the whole planet, we shouldnt, the threat is not coming from the Jews the Christians the Muslims the Buddhists the Hindus but from something else, and that something else is Evil and his moppets, it is time I say to put all our differences aside and see the world for what it is, and I have no understanding for some Evangelicals who say, well we dont have to do any of this because before all this we will get a get out of jail free card and off we go, so let them handle what is coming, do you really think God will grant you Paradise with this kind of mentality ?? I know some of you do, but for you who have more in your heads, you know you must like the rest of us stepp up, are you also not the sons and daughters of man (Adam) are you not humans like the rest of us, get a grip of ourselves, we have the same enemy the same enemy of you and I, and because this Evil has an interest of me, I have come to know some of their innerworks and learned alot, this is why I am in a position that not many else are at, and because they cannot harm me or get rid of me, they fear me, and rightly so, because I will never give up resisting, we must and will crush them, God willing.
