Trump Mocks "Phony Emoluments Clause" | The View

YOU are shamefully deliberately taking what President Trump said in that clip OUT OF CONTEXT !!!! shame on you !!!!! I watched the whole 45 minute tape and he was talking about something else than how YOU framed your question and pretended this was the answer to your question, this is absolutely fake forgrified news, this is just like the fake video clip you ABC put out there from a shooting range at night in Texas posted as if it was from Syria and the Turkish army smashing and bombarding the Kurds, wth is wrong with you guys, why do you feel you have to take to these measures to get your message out, I am very disappointed, I am so upset I have a had time believing this comes from you guys who I used to like, but it seems you can go to any length even if it has to be fake ass news when you have decided to smear your opponents, this is wrong, wrong I say !!!! 

What you dont want people to know is what President trump really said about this specific issue, he said he was going to let them stay at his resort for free of charge, this is what he said and nothing else, then he said...well some say you do this for do this for promotion or to letting them stay there at his resort for financial direct payment to do profit like that are two different things, one involves money one does not, but you make it sound he was to for financial profit directly by charging them and he didnt, he was about to do this for free of charge, later onit would be good on the resume of this resort to say a G7 meeting was held here at one time, but thats another matter.

C mon guys, do NOT spread falsehoods like this, it is beneath you.
