Trump & Syria: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

These guys at the Fake News mainstream media are so good at spinning fact that I feel I am falling behind and need to catch up and start learning from them, that are that good :) I have to give it to them, but its not like we over here are a bunch of dummies either ;) so lets break down each of their fake ass arguments one by one shall we, alright, Argument Nr1 ! they say the Kurds are our allies who fought side by side with us and a few of them got killed in the process and now we are abandoning our "allies", the whole assumption and how the question is phrased is totally wrong, lets start with the ally thing first, who would YOU want as your ally, a bunch of communist PKK terrorists who has killed over 40 000 Turks who Oliver here cannot find in his heart to call terrorists but said they (can) be extreme, in his book murdering 40 000 people is not extreme enough for him but (can) be extreme, in other occasions they are just your cuddly neighborhood teddy bears handing over candy to kids, so the question is again, who would you as a responsible citizen want as your ally, the nation of Turkey or these so called can be extreme communist marxist terrorist (cult) as the ally of your nation, and remember, Turkey (has) been your ally for 70 years, and you want to trade them now with these lunatics, no wonder you mess up with your flawed backward foreign policies wherever you go, and you wonder why people around the world hates America, figures, if you can turn your back on your 70 years long standing ally for short terms profits what do you think your other allies are saying and think of you, this is why nobody trusts America, now to Argument N1 2, they claim these poor Kurds are scattered all over these counties and the largest minority without their own homeland therefor it is justified to carve up a piece of land from all these nations so they can establish their own marxist communist Rojava heaven amongst these nations, first of all good luck with that I say, something else you need to know about the Kurds is this, the assumption that they have lived in these lands from beginning of time is also wrong, they are a relatively new people on the scene, look it up yourselves, I can take the example of the Assyrian people, not the Syrians but the Assyrian empire, back in the days they were so many they had their own major empire, but they died out, today there are only a few million of these old people left in the world, what I am saying is, sometimes peoples dies out and other raises up and repopulate an area, happens all the time, like in the case of the Medes, they dies out too and mixed with others, but as medes they do not exist any longer, and the Kurds they are NOT the Medes, if they were they would still call themselves for that, they dont, they are two different people, you never saw the Persians the Arabs the Semites the whatever change their names, you havent, the Kurds are the old Kurds and now they have populated these areas and now they think they can establish this marxist communist Rojava shithole, and you know what, the Kurds NEVER entertained the idea of establishing their own before communism infected their minds, just so you know, this whole thing is a new invention and guess who put this idea in their heads, those behind the fake news mainstream media today, its true, and you also should know, in the areas the Kurds live in, they are not exclusively Kurds living there, there are Arabs Turkmen Yazidis Assyrians all kinds of people but they Kurds are the majority and also guess what, all these minorities living in these areas are prosecuted by the nice cuddly communist Kurds, and for your information, during the Armenian genocide, at least half of the killers who murdered the Christians there were factually these same communist Kurds, I am telling you the truth, these are the things you should know before you go on to the Young Kurds I mean TYT and get your mind brainwashed, Cenk is a Kurd from Turkey, and about ISIL now, dont believe the hype, there were a few Jihaids escaping and they were actually let out by the Kurds to make a point, but these Jihaids got captures soon again and from what I have heard is that people have made surere to the Kurds that under no circumstances are they allowed again to pull such a stunt again, in closing because I have better things to do, that is scratching my ass and pull hair strings out of my nose you know things men do when they are restless and bored and in need to take care of their hygiene  ;) thats what we do, alright I forgot what I was about to say so I just end it here, bye bye :)

Yeah btw, they didnt fought side by side with us, we saved them and now they are strong enough when there are no Jihaids around like before to deal with it themselves, and they should also be grateful and not thrown tomatoes on the troops calling them dogs (kalb) is what they called them, it means dogs, look how uncivilized they are, would you call those who just saved you dogs when they decide to leave you after they have saved you, its like you have gang problem in your neighborhood and the nice people from the neighborhood comes in and save you and when the problem is solved and they decide to go back home you are met with them throwing not only rotten veggies but also insults calling you dogs, what would you say about the civility of these people, this is why not many people in the Middle East likes them, and you want to push all these people aside in the Middle East further than you have and take the side of these lunatics, perhaps you are made of the same filthy fabric as these commies, I dont know, it looks this way, do the right thing for once, be wise be good and dont try to make more enemies than you already have, I on the other hand dont give a damn about what some losers think of me, I have my own people and they know I am doing what is the right thing to do and my people are from all corners of this world.
