Turkey, Russia advance in Northeast Syria

I hereby want to take some from my precious time to further explain why I am doing what I am doing with regards to what is going on in Syria and why I agree with President Trump and his decision around the Syria issue, I know there are some bot people at Fox News and some other around the world that would rather see another place but the God blessed United States to become the center of the Universe by turning it into another verse in a chaotic world, and in order to to that they have to make disunited, this is their goal, I wont stand for that and I will tell you why, first of all, the United States constitution is the closest set of laws that I tend to agree with more than any other written law out there and my reasoning is clear, because of these laws it has helped keeping me safe, most of you know I have had a long process where my case was processed in curt of law and the outcome is what you see right now, and I am happy with the verdict, the United States constitution and its wonderful freedom loving upright people did what they do best and were fair and just, something I cannot say about the country of Sodom (Sweden) where there is no rule of law, a country run by a satanic evil luciferian pedophile cult with an evil king and queen and their cronies acting as if they are the law, destroyed tens of thousands of young peoples lives and mine too with the countless satanic conspiracies to murder me while the world was watching on, and Iran is not better because they sold me to these pedophlies and for this they will pay, but thats another question, United States is a country where you can even prosecute pedophile ring leaders and other criminals where in these other countries these same monsters actually run the country and have free hands to do anything they want, as you can see you can even go to impeach the president which in this case it is unfounded in my opinion, but the law allows you to do so, all thanks to the constitution and how it was written and more importantly because of the independence it gives to its citizens, and the American people MUST be very proud of this and uphold it as if was everything worth fighting for, because I dont see the same kind of justice system anywhere else on this planet I would do my personal best to keep the God blessed United States to remain the center of the Universe, keep it united and strong, I would not trade it for anything else, I will go with any other country taking its place, it must remain the base of all goodness and it has a lot of improvements to be made but America must remain the base, and in order for it to remain the best and the base people around the world must trust it and love it, in the past the Neocons and their little sisters the Neoliberals has distorted the true message of our God blessed United States with all the crap they have caused around the world, and with respect to the people in the Middle East I am the only individual that can very easily make them love America and stand with us, so I am not a bit worried about the outcome of anything going on there right now, I absolutely agree with President Trumps decision to do what he did, it will benefit us in the long run, some who sees turkey as a threat in the region they dont want our God blessed United States to remain the center of the Universe, they rather take our seat at the table but thats never going to happen, that seat has an owner and the owner is still alive and breathing and it will continue to do so as long as God says otherwise, and I havent heard anything else being said, so in God we trust, another reason is, I dont think for a second if my father were alive he would give away this seat to anyone else either, he fought for America and died for America, he must have had good reasons to do what he did, and guess what, I am his son ;) my fathers work WILL continue and America will remain as long as I have a say in it remain the best place at least on this planet, so help us God, Amen, always end with an Amen or your prayers wont count !!!! always end with an Amen :)
