US defense chief We didn't sign up to defend Kurds from NATO ally

There will be a special place in Hell for this Amanpour, she is such a warmonger, there has not been one war or conflict she didnt stood by to promote and wth is she doing all those faces when the Defence Chief is explaining to here that the actual allies of America is Turkey and not these communist marxist KPP terrorist Kurds, why is this so hard to say, and she phrase her stupid questions as if there actually is a point to it, like why is the US ensuring the rise of ISL by pulling out, the answer is, ISIL could NEVER rise up in any capacity where the Syrian the Russian and the Iranians are, and the rest of Syria is under control of the very well armed Kurds, so where is ISIL supposed to rise up, there is no territory for them left, the Kurds still have a third of Syria under their control and the Turks have only created a buffer zove of 30 km into Syria and ISIL will never ever reamurge there either, look its all a big hype and none of their arguments has any validity to it, its all baloney, it is a big nothing burger, if it was up to these moppets of the Neoliberals and Neocons they would have kept troops all over the planet, one thing is proven, the Dem party is now the War Party, and Amanpour is their sales woman, and there is a special place in Hell for these traitors to America and to humanity, communist lovers, and if you have paid attention, they never ever mention that these fighting Kurds are all marxist leninist communists they never ever mention that, I know you guys cannot always see it but if you pay close attention that at many of these news outlets or more correctly propaganda outlets with regards to the Kurdish issue they always have a Kurdish woman next to them also expressing her views, these women should be registered as foreign agents, I have told you how they use these women to infiltrate positions of power in any capacity they can, these women are trained minders and agents, I have seen them in work, they have been trained and brainwashed from childhood how to seduce men even though they all look like maculated paychecks ugly as hell something you woudnt want to touch with a thirty feet telephone pole or a tne feet welding stick or a with the wing of a 747 jetliner or a 300 feet telephone mast and you dont want to see them directly in their eyes because your eyeballs can and will turn white and you go blind, it happened to me once its not fun I can tell you, the point is, they train these female agents of theirs to go and preach feminism communism socialism and all other motherfuckerisms there is, and their favorite slander is they love calling those who exposes their evil agenta to take over the world Hitler, look friends, the truth and facts speaks for itself, go to the Middle East to any of these countries these terrorists have foot print in and see how democratic they are and how tolerant they are and how they rule over their own people, what you will find is the exact opposite of what they preach to you through your airwaves, its cray town over there, and go to the Kurdish autonomous region they have created in Iraq and you will see its like Kosovo, a total lawless shithole where you can do anything and get away with it as long as if you have the money to pay, and this region is now the drug smugglers paradise where the heroin from Afghanistan is distributed to all over the world from there, I am telling you its a shithole of a place and you shouldnt support this kind of crap.
