Welcome To Your New Home In Space | GIANT LEAP Ep. 2

I have been thinking about how our new Mars colony or Mars Nation because I think it should be an independent nation ruled by the Supreme Monarch :) and if anyone oppose this I will beforehand start a revolution there,, as I was saying, I have been thinking here and planning things, I think instead of having these round egg looking living structures that are seriously depressing they are no fun, we should instead build structures resembling our own buildings here at Earth, I dont know how strong the vacuum force is at Mars affecting structures, but I dont think we need to build round structures, we could have round edges at places but again, I couldnt answer these questions but I know if we could build more resembling what we have here would make us up there feel more like home, I mean what about making the first structure look something like the White House, it has oval rooms, we could shipp over a pallet with cigars and let the party begin, Clinton style lol back on a serious note, I think if it is possible making Mars look like a modern Earth, with kind of structures we recognize and feel at home with, with a Hollywood sign with a star walk like in LA and Home Depot, we will come to need one of those, these are the things we have to think about when we colonize the promised land, or planet :) the nice thing is we dont have to drive away the natives there because from what I have heard, God promised that planet to us for free, what a wonderful real estate agent He is, love Him.
