Amnesty International 'not credible' on Iran – Tehran professor

Suck a comical figure listen to Marandi over here, and his is a professor apparently, he is asking why people are saying, Iran is corrupt utterly incompetent people want it overthrown people hates it Iranian hate it nations around it hates it, and he is turning something bad to sound as if it is something positive, what he is saying, if its the opposite around, people are saying Iran is good Iranians love it neighboring nations and its people love it and everything we hear are lies and people like us are spinning the truth, I think his head is dislocated after his tongue has circulated around the Supreme Leaders you know what, its nothing but the truth that over 90% of the Iranians themselves despite this despotic evil wicked molla regime, and what you see people like in Iraq Lebanon you name it chant slogans against the molla regime you are seeing peoples actual reactions, but lets talk about the Iranians themselves, the mollas control Iran with their cult members, very fanatic as such, about 10% of them, and the mollas ship them with busses around Iran with busses to pour them into the streets for a great photo ops, all lunatics dress in black, tell me when did prophets and their spouses ever dress in black, what we know about at least about Prophet Mohammad was that he took good care of himself, he always dressed his face with a friendly smile, he dressed good he ALWAYS smelled good, he was known to wear good perfumes because he wanted to look presentable, this is all in the sunnah, anybody can read it for themselves, I ask you,what resemblance do you see between the family of Prophet Mohammad himself and these mollas, ZERO resemblance, the mollas are insane, they were put there to make Islam look bad, this is their purpose, some still wont believe it but its true, they serve a purpose, and it is a democratic one, and Marandi an agent of the mollas who has never raised his voice to shed a light on what the Chinese Communist Entity does with the millions of Muslims in concentration camps now he wants to make it sound, people actually love Iran, he even wants you to believe Iranians love Iran, then he refer to the cult members dressed in black on the streets in big numbers in support of this despotic anti Islamic regime anti everything that is good as if its a legitimate regime, the poor Iranians they do not dare raise up against these mollas, what needs to happen is, first they need to be absolutely 100% isolated, then people from outside need to come and overthrow this evil regime capture their Supreme Prostitute humiliate him in front of the whole world and then do it again, then I want to see how tough they are these molla rats, I am telling you, that day will come, these mollas would not hesitate to kill every protester who dared raise up against them, because they know they the mnollas are fighting for their lives, if they lose control and lose Iran their military base, every single one of them would be executed, they know this and you better believe they will fight to the end, but thats fine too, and I hope Marandi is alive then because there are plans for people like him, I dont think Iranians will go easy on him.

I say this again people of the Muslim world, if thus far none of your leaders political of of faith has not raised the issue of the Muslims in concentration camps by the Chinese Communist Entity under the supervision and approval of Presitator Puh has not condemned the fact that these commies are forcefully making these Muslims to abandon their faith by brainwashing them your leaders of faith or political are not worth the air they are breathing, now I have to repeat something again, I will NOT support any Palestinian government who have not condemned the Chinese Communist Entity publicly, you will see nothing good coming out of me for you if you do not condemn them for what they are doing to Muslims AND all other people of faith, and you Palestinians better recognize something here, only I can get you out of this mess you are in, mostly you have yourselves to blame, half of you 50% of you have sold out the other half and the other way around, I know you, I know what you are all about, and I am not like others acting as if you are the victims of why all this has happened to you, because you are not, God send the Ultra Zionists upon you as punishment, you lived in the Holy Land for so long yet you never could see the truth and do as it was expected from yo, you only cared about your individual selves, so I am telling you, if you do not join in in condemnation of the Communist Entity, you are on your own, I am NOT playing games here, I am very serious, first you need to help yourselves by regaining some dignity then help will come for you too, in fact I am hereby starting a new movement, calling it You Too, not you, you have to be invited, thats how this movement works, you have to prove yourself worthy of belonging, so #You Too, baby.
