Anger at Iran boils over in Iraq's Shiite stronghold of Karbala

I am directing this message to the Shia people but others can learn from it as well, around 5 years and and before that I used to argue with Sunni people about one of Prophet Mohammads prophecies when he said in the time of Dajjal the Antichrist 70 000 Iranians will join him, I argued that during the revolution of 100 000 Iranian Jews 70 000 of them moved to Israel, so that prophecy came to be as told, and I continued covering up for the mollas, because at that time I thought, the mollas were the good guys and the Zionists in of Israel were the bad guys, this is the way many still see it today, but how wrong I was, because back then I didnt knew the true story of the mollas and all their haram in fact luciferian activities long side their false teachings, teachings that has been the cause of so much disbelief by the people in the truth and so much more I dont want to go into here again, back then I was unaware of how evil they were, forget about their backward policies, I am talking about who they really are and who their master is, it is NOT God but Eblis, I was unaware they had hijacked Islam to do Eblis biddings, I am not just throwing around accusations, I know some of their deepest secrets and today I am totally convinced they are Luciferians, many Iraaaaaaanian Shia mollas who are not luciferians they know of all these things and I am aware of many faithful Iranians are waiting for the right moment to hang every single one of these luciferian mollas whose leader is the Supreme Prostitute, I am aware of this, but going back to the prophecy of Prophet Mohammad and the 70 000 of the Iranians who will join the dajjal, I have told you people, the Antichrist is walking on Earth right now, I have met him in Iran, he does as he pleases in Iran, why I argued with the Sunnis about this number of 70 000 was because I knew by chatting with them that they were more unaware of everything, they just wanted to bash the Shias for any reason, but mostly because they are Iranians, they did it because of racist reasons, some just cannot let go of this Persian Arab thing, the Devil has taken over their damn minds, and I also have met and talked to many Shia Arabs especially Iraqis who hate the Shia Iranians because of this Persian Arab thing, so you see religion have nothing to do with much, racism does, again I have to go back to prophet Mohammads prophecy, as I said back then I thought the prophecy had been fulfilled and that was the end of the story because think about it, Prophet Mohammad came an exact number and what do you know, this exact number with 70 000 Iranian Jews moved to Israel, i would say thats a pretty good prediction, but again the story didnt end there, today I know this number or very close it it still exist in the ranks of the mollas who are     the hard core luciferians, the 70 000 Jews who left Iran for Israel, they were not luciferians, I understand why they had to leave, they got brainwashed by fear mongers from both sides, I believe this 70 000 Iranian luciferians are among the IRGC, and I know this conflict between the mollas their Hezbesheytan in Lebanon and those Luciferians in Israel is phony, they are both taking orders from the same guy, that little bitch, and I have heard he is a homosexual as well, look friends the mollas of iran can go around and claim they are so pro Mahdi and the rest of it but its all bs, Irans Supreme Prostitute is very much anti Mahdi, if he could kill him he would, but he cant, they have tried but failed, and another thing, the Shia mollas who are in fact luciferians are in cahoots with the nation of Sodom, Sweden that is, I know this for a fact, I also know Hezbesheytan have free hands to sell drugs and make money of the naive Swedish people, look guys I sit on a whole lot of information who I have plans to get out there at the right moment, and these luciferians can kiss my ass, they have not been able to kill me and they never will, so I feel free to say whatever I want, and I want all believer to know, the thing the luciferians has put inside me that was supposed to kill me was done so in Iran when I was a child under the supervision of the luciferian mollas, this is how evil these sons of bitches they are, look dont get fooled by the kind looking innocent faces of Nasrala and their general Soleimani and their selected officials, they are the foot soldiers of Dajjal, and so is Princess Salma, all of them are, make no mistake over that, but there are good powerful people who none of they dares go up against, and these guys, you never heard of them, these people are very powerful, very wealthy and they are from all over the planet, if these guys were not around, Satan would have taken over everything by now, but again you never hear of them, I know some of them, yet for now I know very little but way more than most of you and I am telling you how it is, because I fear no death, death for me is the beginning of life, the eternal life,, this is nothing compared to the other reality, in this life, both kings and queens leave their castles behind to go and get judged by their Creator, so what does all this mean after they have left everything earthly behind, nothing at all, so even I was the richest person on earth, I would have given it all away with a smile on my face to meat my Creator no longer in shame but with humility to be accepted in, where the good people will end up at, its a very special club its not for anyone, i tell you all this because I know of the corruption of the mollas, and one thing is for sure, their place is in the deepest pits of Hell, where they belong, so what you all should do is to push them all back, undress them and lock them up, every single one of them and the 70 000 luciferians in Iran, I will deal with them in time, I will crush them all and it will be a day to remember, I have unfinished business wit these devils, they have to kill me to stop me, there is no other way, I want justice not for myself, for all of mankind, and these mollas are on that list and will remain so till they get wiped out of pages of history, isnt that what Ahmadinejad used to say, he has actually threatened me in the past, I heard that, he will regret it, little rat, anyways, have a nice evening ya all :):)

But before I truly end, listen up you Iraqis, dont be racists, no one is above anyone, so whatever you do from now on, do it for the right reasons, or God will continue cursing you, you heard it from me, and you must do as I say, I am the Commander, you must do as I say, or dont, you have your free will to exercise as you wish, it is your God given right, use it wisely !!!
