China blames UK, U.S. for fuelling anti-govt. protests in Hong Kong

People should recognize hypocrites when they see it and not make up excuses for them, look, these mollas and their culprits in Iran like Marzieh Hashemi and their OppressTv these people are telling you they are the voice of the voiceless and that they are fearless God fearing truth tellers and they do not compromise on their "integrity" when it comes to exposing tyranny, first of all, ask the 90% of the Iranian people if they are living under a ruthless totalitarian luciferian dictatorship or not, on the other hand, have you ever heard the mollas or their OppressTv ever mention a single word about the millions of Muslims in concentration reeducation camp by the Chinese Communist Entity under the rule of presitator Puh ?? never, and you will never hear them ever mentioning that, and some of you lesser hypocrites than the mollas would perhaps say, well one must choose its fights, one cannot fight on all fronts simultaneously so thats why the mollas wont bring up this issue right now, then I ask you, whose situation is worse, who live in worse condition, the Palestinians who relatively live freely, they are at least not supervised in concentration camps and under reeducation brainwash where they are forced to denounce their faith and for faithful people we know this is the worst kind of oppression we can get put under, many of us rather die than denounce our faiths but the Chinese Communist Luciferian Entity are putting millions under these mental and physical torture and the mollas longside their OppressTv wont touch upon that but when it comes to the "Zionists" well then they are vocal, I will make it easy for you, the reason is, they have the same master they obey, they are end of times, this is also a wrong term to describe them, they are seeking this Armageddon conflict to kill off as many as they can to usher this luciferian NWO they have in plans, and after that I promise, you will see the mollas and the Ultra Zionists get along just fine with a "new" common understanding and the rest of it, and China under presitator Puh will have his share of the cake, most of it will be governed from there is the thought, but the spiritual center will be located elsewhere but before that they need to collapse the US as a superpower, and this is what is going on right now, the mollas are NOT God fearing, they are a luciferian cult, just look how they dress and act, did you guys know all prophets and messengers and it is also written in all Holy Books is said that, we must never keep repeating words and phrases in like prayers or anything else for that matter because this is how the Luciferian do in their prayers to their less than monkey of a cult leader which is Eblis, we are told not to do that, we are told to do the opposite, have you seen these shias who keep beating themselves shouting Hossain hossain hossain hosain, and they keep on doing that in hours like lunatics till they reach an emotional frenzy and get out of themselves basically, so why are these shia  cult members doing this, its because they are told and brainwashed by their luciferian molla leaders without even realizing it, many times its not their fault, they like many Sunnis like many Evangelicals many Catholics like many Jews only follow their fathers footsteps and think this is how they did it, this is how their tribe has done it for ages and this is how they identify themselves with, so they like parrots say what they are told and like monkeys do the tricks they learned from their fathers, this is basically I dont want to say a human condition because I would like to see us better than this but it is what it is I guess and its tragic, that we keep making the same old mistakes just because, so what is my point with this, look at this African American lady Marzieh Hashemi, look how she is dressed, and these cult members always dress like that, and if you ask them why black, they say everyday is Ashura, everyday is a day of sorrows, so they think they are empathizing with the oppressed of the world, but mainly their own shia ideology, if they actually did empathized with the faithful why then are they in total silence about the Muslims in millions suffering under the Chinese Communist Entity, it doesnt make any sense till you know who installed these mollas, and dont buy the old documentaries you have seen and this thats how it went down, in one of those old western documentaries in one short interview it wasnt even an interview it was an Iranian lady, an elite of a sort a person who had some kind of position under the Shah, in the background of a meeting where a person was telling something you could hear her say to another lady...they installed Khomeini themselves...when I heard her say that many years ago when I was a molla supporter, I thought to myself like many of you would say to yourselves, that she is full of shit, she is only pissed off because her boss lost his appointment as the "king of kings" lol and he her job along with it, this is what I said back then, today I know what she was talking about and she was right, you havent forgot friends that we are living in the Age of Deception right ?? its not a joke it is very serious, more serious than you can imagine, its lot worse than you could have imagine it, Evil rule it all, for now, but nevertheless, that less than monkey does rule it all, but again for now, things will change, we have been promised this, in short friends, some cult members and followers dressed in red chadors like in Handmaids tale and some wear it in black, with no variation like God and His messengers and prophets taught us, never follow their backward ways, you know Prophet Mohammad, was a good dressing individual, he used to take care of himself, and people loved him, does these mollas and their followers resemble anything like he was, they are the opposite, the way of the Devil, its what they are, its not complicated friends, it is just common sense, I hope the protest take on in Iran and many God have them all hanged from streets lamp poles, I urge all Iranians shias or sunnis or whatever, in fact dont even identify yourselves with these man given or devil given descriptions to divide you from what you truly are, one race under God and it doesnt have to be more complicated than this, and sing the same song while you are at it ;) good luck, man may God guide you and empower you to get back at these mollas, they are your enemies, they are looting your wealth, get rid of them and you will have everything you wanted, of the good stuff, the bad stuff will go to the garbage can along with the mollas ever to be seen again.
