China Has Started World War 3 | General Robert Spalding

I figured this out long time ago but because of different reasons I made up excuses to stand by the mollas and what that means with their allies also, what I didnt realized was how they the mollas were screwing me up and used me, I know the same truth I knew back then but my conclusion of who is who and what is what has changed, I realized at least I have a couple of friends inside the system here in the west that while I was trashing them they still stood by me, and as I have stated in the past, you all have one individual to thank for, I wont mention his name here right now but you know of whom I am talking about, as I have said, at least we have some certain freedoms here, like if I had said to people here what I have said to others in Iran those bastards would have hanged me, and not to forget they put me in prison for no reason something they will come to regret, I am sure they regret it right now, and if I find out anyone in the molla system had anything to do with the murder of my father, well I am going to eradicate every single one of them, nobody messes with my family and what is mine, in any rate, the mollas are goners, they not only lost the ideological war but the ground they are standing on will be lost to them as well, I want the true Believers inside the regular Iranian military to recognize who the First Commander is, you shall in time help me overthrow the IRGC and all the luciferians running it, and I know you are waiting for the right moment, I will tell you when its the right moment, and when the job is done, then you can make your Maker your country men and your families truly proud of you, then I will take you to places these filthy mollas could never reach with their eyes, we will do all that but after the mollas are gone, they must go, you shall have a fresh new start, God willing, and meanwhile, make their lives a living hell will you :)
