Chinese government furious over NYT release of documents

For the Chinese Communist Entity to use the word evil to describe others for revealing what their Communist manifesto is all about is comical, no other cult like regimes with a communist ideology has committed as much evil as they have throughout history with combined of hundreds of millions murdered because of their faith in one God, and of course Presitator Puh has given his approval for this mass arrest of people of faith, he is a disgrace to the Chinese people and to humanity, imagine of we did the same with any communist we got our hands on, then we would have been as bad as the Chinese Communist Entity and Presitator Puh would be, but they are doing it to us, and I dont see any leaders of faith raising these issues surrounding Presitator puh and his evil wicked totalitarian regime, not even the Pope is mentioning this at all, makes me lose confidence in him as well, it doesnt look good at all, we have to rely on the good people in the mainstream media and our alternatives on the Internet to do the job the leaders of faith were supposed to do, this is how bad the situation is, its depressing.
