CrossTalk on NATO: Obsolete Alliance

I understand why you say you dont want Turkey in Nato, because they are Muslims, you made your case clear, you are racists, but Russia want Turkey to break with Nato and the west then to buy your weapons, I think Turkey should be very carefully here, I think Turkey should stay with the west and Nato and do not pay attention to what some racists here say, I understand why Turkey is upset, I have myself made my case clear why, but for Turkey to switch side with those who actually do not have eyes to see them to be friend them because of their culture and faith is not a smart thing I think, we have people here who would sell their own countries to the eastern powers and their influence should be minute as it should be, no voice should be given to these people who invite those who are trying to undermine our values, which is NOT racist in nature, our diversity is our strength and our shared ideology is the one that will be our salvation, God doesnt like racists, the Devil does, and those who follow the faith the Devil has paved way for them will fall in the same deep pit where they belong, we are NOT going to lose this war of ideologies, not one in a million chance.

Turkey must always stand with me, and by that will have a very nice future, the same future the rest of us will have, what is good for us is good for the rest, and we wont tolerate criminals, I promise we wont, and the slave traders will come to regret what they have done, this is also a promise, no man is above the other, I dont care who you think you are, you are going to get a wake up call, in time, this is also a promise you can take to the bank to cash, I do not care about people in the high position of power, we will have the attention of peoples, we will have massive global people power the likes   of which that has never been seen before, these are all promises that will come to fruition, wait and see how its done, baby.
