Crypto Wisdom: Asia Paves New Silk Road With Blockchain

I see greed and the thirst to make money has overtaken the minds of  Rick and not so true news anymore, and I should have seen it coming earlier when he took the side of the Chinese Communist Entity over the freedom seeking Hongkongers, and now he is praising president Puh for wanting to implement this cryptocurrency business, I guess he sees a way to make extra bucks on it so he wants in now, and because he sees people are stopping listening to his message of all this he now sees another opportunity to perhaps move to Singapore and get a church business going there too, I have been opposing cryptocurrencies from the get go, because as a Believer the only currency that is accepted by God HAS to be backed by something of material value to keep inflation in check, for some not to take advantage of less fortunate people in society, so that an egg doesnt cost a dollar today and three dollars tomorrow, and you all better be sure, when the prices goes up, who will benefit most and disproportionately more, the very few on top and who will fall in disadvantage, the 99%, this is what Jesus who Rick claims he loves so much and preach his teachings fought for, Rick doesnt have his heart at the right place, he is looking for making more money, its always about money, it is also called greed, and what about may God forbid the world falls into a world war where we know EMPs will be definitely used, what will happen with your virtual money then, I think its safer in this world and in the next if you all just did as your Maker told you what path to take, I think its much safer that way, lets say not tomorrow not in ten years but sooner or later as the Bible has told us, a major war will come between Good and Evil, and we are told about the tribulations we are going to face, famine pestilence diseases shortage of foods, a world where Evil will have full control over mankind at the beginning and we know Evil use technology against us, and Rick is praising the Communist Chinese Entity where we know what they are putting their people under them through already before they have gone fully insane, we know their plans, so the question is, why are we aiding them why are we giving the bullets they will use to shoot us later on with, look friends the Devil is a clever bastard, he comes with all kinds of lofty promises where those who think they are also clever would jump on those ideas to enrich themselves even though they know what they are doing is not sanctioned by God, its not kosher, and the issue of money and currency is one of the top priorities that must be handled very sensitively, thats what Jesus did, so why are these so called Jesus lovers all forgetting about his main issue and do the opposite to go and chaise money, it is NOT to spread the Gospel, because the Gospels preached something else, we know that, and this thing with technology, we know who introduced us to it, and there must have been a reason why they introduced us to it, could it be for it to be used against us one day to enslave humanity, look friends, I am a man of science myself, I am spiritual person as much as a science nerd, I am a person who wants to know everything, I want to know all the secrets of the Universe, but in order not to astray you need your mind in the right place, you need to know your enemy first, you must have a clear mind, and a clear mind does not know greed, a sound mind knows giving as much as receiving but if you are more oriented on giving more than receiving God the Almighty will pay you more attention and when that happens well doors opens to you doors you never knew existed, and it also depends what kind of receiving you most of all are looking for, financial material praises of those around you of do you rather like to be praised by Almighty and His angels instead, personally I never cared for what people say about me, I never lived for anyone by for God first then for myself, and it came to be that I have been given responsibility that I rather would not want, but again who am I to reject what was offered to me to do, I would do anything to get into that super exclusive club up there, and I know some of you say, well then how can you be act and write in a sexual manner, you wanna do her and her mother and all that, its a fair question, the answer to that is, I am directing all nastiness to a certain kind of people to letting them know, I will NEVER marry any of them, so I rather mess around with them that way, to rush their hopes into the drain, the truth is friends, I dont even think I will ever get married, I dont even think I will ever have sex again, yes it is true, I have even stopped jerking off lol totally true, I am done with all that, I have been set free sort of speak, and damn it feels good, I never felt better, and I think I can go on like this forever, another truth is, I dont want to leave children behind be, no male offspring, no little Sonnies running around ;) this blood line has to end with me, I feel its the right thing to do, and its not a sad thing, it just means me and those before me, we will go elsewhere, a much better place reserved for us, you can get there to if you get your act together and work hard and sacrifice everything you have and after that only perhaps God will accept you too, God willing :) but if you take Him for granted well then you are doomed, trust me on this, there is NO easy way out, it requires hard work and an honesty you never thought you had it in you, and as long as God has been merciful towards you and granted you time here to make the necessary changed asked of you to get there chaos does not reign you better not waste more of the pressure time and start working on yourself, look the Bible told us, during the tribulation we will face many temptations and if you fall for any of them you are a goner, and I can tell you, it has started, you are living it right now, its true, I know its not what you expected but it has started, a soft start sort of speak, thats how it always starts, like the frog in a boiling pan, you are the frog and things are heating up, are you going to save yourself or are you going to let it take over all of you, I can only inform you of what is going on, the rest is up to you yourself, dont eat from the fruit, good luck.
