'Don't listen to fake news': Chinese ambassador pressed over detention c...

The Chinese Communist Entity is ensuring that billions people of faith will rise up against it all across the world I also I can ensure them this, I wont be forgiveful about this, there will be a price tag attached to what they already have done, the Chinese Communist Entity is NOT as powerful as it thinks they are, things can change very rapidly, they perhaps feel safe for now by paying off corrupt regimes and look at the atlas map and imagine for themselves they have this and that many nations long side them, but mark my words, all those corrupt leaders will share a fate suited only for them and it wont be pretty, as I said, things will change rather quickly and they will drop their jaws and their fangs when it comes, only God is the Supreme Soverent, His seat is secured and only He is the creator of realities and when He sees it fit, He will chock even the Chinese Communist Entity and shake the ground they stand on, then these commies will come to the full realization of who every single sand corn of this planet belongs to, that day will come, and God willing sooner because way too many innocent people are suffering by the bloody hands of these evil arrogant leaders, their day will come, till that day, people all around the world MUST unite, unite against all these lunatics as one, we are the 99% and we wont back down, no matter what and we will be victorious, with Gods grace, Amen.

These monkeys are messing with the wrong people, they just cannot contemplate that in their tiny shit filled brains, but they will when they get a wake up call.

I wont forget and we wont forgive, write that down Presitator Puh !! you will go down in history with nothing written on your gravestone, but the picture of something funny, like Puh, if you are lucky that is you ugly less than an ape.
