Greta Thunberg sailing back to Europe

Safe journey because the north Atlantic is messy this time of the year, real messy, she should come to this port where I am to pay me a visit before I drag my ass out of here, the reason It has dragged on for such a long time is because the fucking bank, I can deposit more than 1000 dollars a week and I am extending that limit, I am gonna make sure these baks come to pay for fooling around with me, SEB of Sweden, one day I am gonna make sure you yourselves will have limits on how much credits YOU get, I promise, fuck with me and I will one day fuck you back, I will show you who the boss is you monkeys, so anyway, I am stuck here even though I have money on my account I cant buy the stuff I need fast enough, can you believe this shit, mother fuckers, pissing me off, so I have to stay here for another mother fucking month so that I can deposit another 4 grand, these sons of bitches are wasting my time for 4 grand, well in time I will waste them mother fuckers, alright, meanwhile I am doing nothing but waiting, I would be nice to get some visit by nice people instead of these spies and bad actors around here, I would give Greta and her crew an exclusive interview something I am not ready to grant this privilege to anyone else, she can have my first exclusive attention, am I a nice guy or what :):) they could stop by here, its on their way to where they are heating towards, in any case, I wish then safe travel and a pleasant sailing, well it wont be pleasant this time of the year, right now we are in the middle of a bad storm, with 40-45 knots winds.
