Hong Kong police surround university as standoff with students continues

This is a situation the police has put these demonstrators in, cornering them like that, I would like to see the situation deescalating but the authoritarians in Hong Kong think they have the cause on their side and they wont back down a little bit even, they are giving the protesters no choice than to do what they are doing and may God forbid if live fire is shut and people falling dead, I fear it will be seen as a massacre and everyone will come to regret it, it wont help thats what I am saying, I suggest the Hong Kong police send in Samuel L Jackson to negotiate a deal that can be satisfactory for both parties, you cant send one of those uncharismatic stone face officers I saw earlier suggesting a way out of this, you need someone with experience, the movie The Negotiator came out 1998, thats 21 ago, I am sure samuel L Jackson has gained a lot of experience negotiating hostage taking since then, if you send in these Bruise Lee wanna be trigger happy mother fuckers how can that de escalate the situation, or send in the Rock Johnson, did you see how he made the Hong Kong police come to his side and saved the day and the whole movie, it was fucking brilliant, what I am saying is, soon we will make a movie about this whole situation on going a motion picture and I dont think the Hong Kong police wants to look like a bunch of child killing monsters all over the world, but all joking aside, send in a credible person to talk to these protesters, I would do it successfully if I was there, but you dont have that luxury right now, so you have to look and find someone else available.
