How much influence does Iran wield in Iraq? I Inside Story

I dont think the new generation of the Iraqis or Iranians are interested to hear the story of the Iran Iraq war and about Saddam and the rest of it, the fact is , during Pahlavis dictatorial era when Iran was very strong, Iran insulted and offended Iraq and say itself as superior, and this sentiment gave rise to Saddam and when he saw Iran weak he attacked, both regimes were responsible for the fragility at followed, this new Iraqi and Iranian people they are no longer interested what happened 50 years ago, the molla agents keep reminding people of this to have a reason to legitimize themselves , and yes the mollas are vocal and proud that they have such influence in Iraq by its brainwashed proxies, the Iraqi people civilian or in uniform must ask themselves, who are they loyal to, to iraq and tall its people of a foreign super corrupt and frankly evil regime like the mollas of Iran and the mollas in their own country, and their own family members for that matter as well, this is what they should ask themselves before they start shooting demonstrators like they do, they all know all their leaders 99% of them are very corrupt, next question should be, what are they going to do about it, will they keep disgracing the name of their families by still standing behind this Corruption or will they be honest to themselves for once, there is another way, and they should know, religion has NOTHING to do with what the rhetoric is pushed out there, nothing zero, all your religious leaders are very corrupt, I know, I met their agents, they are none of them are put to no good, they are allowing what belongs to all Iraqis to get looted, and they do let alone say nothing about it, what more do you need to know, you can start by being honest to yourself, try that, wont hurt you, would be good for you.
