Leaked Videos Show Iran's Brutal Crackdown on Protests

When you corner dogs like these mollas then as you can see their top watch dog like their IRGC general Salami bark his lungs out like a lunatic, these bastards wont hesitate mascaraing people like they have done, the mollas know they are fighting for their survival so they get vocal, I fear for the lives of the Iraqis the Lebanese and the Iranians very much, they are not armed like the proxies of the mollas and they will lose any engagement with them, it is sadly a fact, help need to come to them from the outside, there is no other way to free these people from the bloody grip of the mollas, yet I am very optimistic the end of their reign is soon over, I am sure of it, and the mollas know this too, but for now, any possible sanctions must be applied to them, I would ban all their airliners entering any allys airspace, to begin with, and they must not be able to sell any of their products anywhere if possible, we must hit them and hit them hard like this till further noticed, bastards will pay for all their crimes, I will make sure of it, they crossed my red line long ago.
