Lebanon Protests: Kamel Wazne, Political Analyst

In the new world we are about to create we simply cannot have warlords like Hezbesheytan Ammal and likes of which having legitimacy running as political parties, they are all criminals and thats just a fact, I will put them all on trial with witnesses and evidence to put these question some people have at rest once and for all, their supporters should be honest to God to themselves and to their fellow countrymen, the time where we worshiped individuals of criminal character has to come to an end, people need a fresh start but before that they need to be honest to themselves and those around them, and being honest to oneself is to be honest to their Creator, which many of these cult followers are NOT, they know their leaders and those around them are up to no good yet they make up excuses for them, tribal mentality is what this is called and this is what has brought about so much misery all around the world, we only seek honest people, hypocrites can stay away, we dont want them, we only seek honest people, this is the starting point of our Worldwide Revolution.
