Mark Ruffalo Doesn't Know If We Will See The Hulk Again In The MCU

Mark Ruffalo is a king of man to die for, I am serious, he is that kind of activist, a true hero with honor, what I fear with Mr President Bernie is that if he gets elected he will start getting nice with the mollas of Iran, I cant befriend with someone that is in any shape or form good with the mollas, those evil bastards have done too many people much wrong and they must come to pay for what they have done in one way or the other, dont make any wrong presumptions friends, this is not about me, it is about a much grander scale, my eyes has open to certain things now and I cannot whatever I do turn around and look the other way, I am struggling with issue every minute of my life, there are many people suffering all over the world and something has to be done about it, and I am willing to risk everything I have to make the necessary changes people are asking for, there are too many rotten people around and we need someone who can hold the banner high up, to make a stance, so I will go on and support these revolutions going on till we get the results we all seek, or die trying, I was never under the impression that this would be easy, it wont but I also have seen how it ends, in our favor, I need people who share this vision, the vision of total victory nothing in between but absolute victory, we will rise a 100 million man global army and I want to see what idiot dares stand in our way, we will have billions of supporters but also a 100 million man army and we are going to change the world with it, always for the better, because we have super corrupt individuals right now doing as their pleases right in front of all and no one dares stand up against them, most of our politicians have failed us, they know what is going on neglected their duties to the people and they are playing along, we need to embolden to empower these politicians to grow a pair and make some noise and not give into the corruption of some, if Mr President Bernie is that guy, then I will support him, but thus far i have heard that he intends to make up in a way with the mollas, yet look friends, this is much much larger issue than the mollas alone, they are small potatoes, they are nothing that couldnt not be handled in a short period of time, I am talking about changing the whole world, thing big my old daddy always said ;) and what is bigger than changing the whole world for the better, so thats what we will set up to do and we will manage with Gods help to do all those things, and when its done I am heading to Mars, baby, first back to the Moon then Mars is next, then you will get rid of me, no you wont, I will still have high speed internet connection from there looking so that corruption doesnt take root again and if it does then I will have to come back a third time ;) and I will come back and back and give Evil no rest, I will have it work for its money with new updated insurance policies.
